Mirian Pat Foundation – BACK TO SCHOOL PROJECT

Ruga community is located close to the Abuja City Gate, along the Airport Road. It is lying directly behind the National Park. This is a community with about 5,350 residents, who are living in an informal and unorganized squatter settlement. Mirian Pat Foundation gathered that most of the residents of this community are victims of Boko Haram insurgency in Borno, Yobe and Adamawa states. These are people who have escaped the activities of insurgency in their states and have found a new settlement in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT). Our investigation also revealed the Ruga settlement is less than 10 years old, so it is believed to be one of the emerging squatter settlements in the nation’s capital. In this community there are no permanent buildings, as most of the structures are temporary and makeshift structures, put up by residents for the purpose of temporary living

Ages Male Female Total
5-12 696 1084 1780
12-19 599 612 1211
19-26 410 320 730
26-33 451 431 882
33 and above 229 398 629

Following the assessment conducted on the 4th of June 2018 in Ruga community by Mirian Pat Foundation, is actually facing a high level of illiteracy due to lack of school structures within the community. The number of out of school children in the community calls for serious concern, about 1,780 children between the ages of 5-12 in the community are out of school.

Mirian Foundation and the community leaders had a brief meeting during which we had suggested to raise a temporary school structure which was accepted. Within a short time, we were to setup a structure out of bamboo sticks, cements, and roofing sheets to a capacity of 150 school children. However, as at 4th January 2019 we have enrolled about 205 children exceeding the capacity of the structure. Mirian Pat Foundation in its plan intends to enroll at least 1000 children before the end of 2019. We are also currently sourcing for more funding to raise more structures and carry out activities to sustain the goals of the project. so at Mirian Pat Foundation every day we do our own bit through our educational programs and projects.


Children and parents of the community


Children between the ages of 5-12 years to be sent back to school within the next one year.

To improve the literacy level of at least 30 parents of the children on Adult Education within one year.


To raise knowledge of parents on child education

Increase pupil’s participation and interest on education

Implementation Approach

Community awareness and sensitization on child education

Mirian foundation every Monday with its staff and Volunteer conducts community awareness on the need to educate every child and to help the community realize its responsibility in ensuring that quality education is available and accessible by the children and young wards in the community. We have also organized several workshops and learning platforms for the educators employed to administer learning to the children and adolescents.

Parent /Teacher Engagement

Parental involvement at school can help build positive interactions between parents and kids as well as parents and teachers. Parents will have a better idea of what their child’s day is/was like. Parents teacher engagement will make a child feel like the most important people in his/her life are working together, that can make the child to be more focused, have better grades, social skills and show improved behavior. Thus the need for Mirian Pat Foundation to have initiated this activity to help with the continuous design of the project.

Adult Education

Mirian Foundation also has initiated the adult education to improve literacy level of parents in the community, not to achieve institutional needs, but human fulfilment. Raise their self-confidence, improve their personal growth and social structure and an avenue to become exposed to some learnings (financial intelligence) that could improve their source of livelihood.

Distribution of Educational kits

Mirian Foundation distributes some learning aids to the children at the beginning of each academic session such as IEC materials, textbooks, exercise books, pen and pencils, school bags, stationaries, etc.

Recreational Activities

To aid learning, manage stress, improve their mood and self-esteem, reduce anxiety and depression, also helps them in building social skills

Adolescent Boys/Girls Focus Group Discussions

Sensitization on communication, social concerns, career, health and sexual education.

Sexuality, social issues and career plays a very vital role in the lives of both boys and girls, it is therefore considered important to recognize and gain insights on these issues as part of a development process of adolescents. Mirian Pat Foundation is also engaging the adolescent boys/girls in the community in focused group discussions to better understand these complex issues with the help of a well trained and experienced facilitator.

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