The habitual taking of illegal drugs is labelled as drug abuse. Drug abuse is a serious public health problem that affects almost everyone in our society today. each drug abuse causes millions of serious illness or injuries among Nigerians. Abused drugs includes; codeine, methamphetamine, cocaine, marijuana, Indian hemp, etc.

One of the actual threats to the nation’s and human security is the alarming rate of illicit drug trafficking, the menace threat of illicit drug trafficking poses heinous threats to human lives, national development and security. Drug trafficking is a global phenomenon, reports by the international Narcotics control board (INCB), submits that Nigeria tops the list with the highest trafficking and drug use in west Africa. NDLEA report identifies, that drug trafficking remains a striving business and serious issue in Nigeria and strong concerted efforts are needed to be taken for the control.

Drugs are being smuggled into the country through various porous borders. However, so many youths in Nigeria today engage themselves in illicit drug trafficking as a source of livelihood due to the case of high unemployment in the country today.

Based on the interview, and talk show the foundation carried out today being 26th June, 2019.  Following the sensitization of “Drug abuse and illicit trafficking” the foundation was able to draft out basic information from people on the factors that facilitates drug abuse and illicit trafficking in Nigeria, Which are; Financial burdens, youth unemployment, get-rich-quick-syndrome, Peer pressure, addiction, sexual involvement, break-up relationship and advice on drastic majors to be taken which includes; orientation and education of the youth, adequate intelligence gathering on drug trafficking, strong law and good governance, reduction of target market, getting a hobby adequate funding and training of security operatives.

The foundation is urging all able bodies to come and join hands in this fight against drug mis use and illegal trafficking in our world today and establish a conducive and well oriented environment in our country.

Mirian Pat Foundation

“We care”

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